The Fire Hunter
Outside the magical barriers lies a world overrun by fiery beasts known as Flame Demons, and the only ones who can protect humanity are the Fire Hunters. In the dark woods where the beasts roam is where Touko, a young villager, is rescued from attack by one of these skilled trackers, Koushi. But their meeting was no accident, and a new destiny begins.
Views: 167
Genre: Animation, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Actors: Maaya Sakamoto, Megumi Yamaguchi, Misaki Kuno, Sachi Kokuryu, Saori Hayami, Shoya Ishige, Yoshimasa Hosoya
Keywords:go movies series Maaya Sakamoto Megumi Yamaguchi Misaki Kuno Sachi Kokuryu Saori Hayami Shoya Ishige watch series go Watch 火狩りの王 Watch 火狩りの王 Full Series watchseries Yoshimasa Hosoya 火狩りの王 Online 火狩りの王 Putlockers